Saturday, March 25, 2017

bryce's account

cuba has been a great experience in both an individualistic focus and a holistic focus. trips like these invoke an out of comfort zone atmosphere as you are forced to socialize with people who you wouldn't normally converse with in everyday settings. for me, i was around my regular group of friends however i still found myself creeping out of my box, venturing out to make new acquaintances and friendships. on top of this i personally broke through a barrier as i delivered my first solo in a concert. normally i remain in the background holding down my part with my other baritones but i was pushed to perform a solo and it was a new out of shell experience for me that i really enjoyed and look forward to doing in the future. overall i saw firsthand how seamlessly people could be united despite a difference in culture and a language barrier. throughout the trip music and dance served as such: uniting factors. as we listened to various choirs, bands, and orchestras of different ages and skill levels and they listened to us we found a common love for music and performance. also as we danced out best salsas and tried our best to imitate the cuban people who danced with us we merged becoming one people united by music and dane. as we roamed the street shops and immersed ourselves in the cuban culture delving into the history of cuban u.s. relations and the juxtaposing stereotypical portrayals we understood a way of life that had previously not been shown to us. as shakaa, derrick, shanniah and i played soccer with some high school kids in a rained out park we were united in a common love for sport and competition. this trip provided new experiences for me and proved that we have the ability to unite regardless of language and varying culture.
-bryce edwards

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